Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lolies for Indian Government...

Indian Government is World's largest democratic nation with the biggest faults in democratic plans. The Government as we all comment is deeply involved in solving its own issues and regreting on it nothing else. But as we are living in democracy which states by the people, to the people and for the people so lets think upon our comment once again.

Democracy means people so from where has the corruption started??? I am sure your answer will be bureaucrats or the Goverment. But, corruption is in the democratic system of India and more simply its in the citizens. Have you ever think why the petrol prices are hiking? Its because the excess use of vehicles which consumes around 2.5-2.8 billion barrels of crude oil per day.

The price rise will only be restricted when the people try and understand their importance for the country. Its not for the laymen but for each and every individual of the Indian society.  The stakeholders have to play their important roles for the sustainability in the future. Even every citizen can become a stakeholder as Bapu said,

" Its  just too late at all. You just don't know what you are capable of."

the great indian scams

India, the so called largest democracy in the world has flaunted its great history, culture and heritage since ages. But, as India started its  trials in the race of development, more than the developmental issues, the focus has remained on the continuously growing list of the loopholes and flaws that came across in no time ever since the shift from dissatisfaction to satisfaction started.